End-to-End Unit Outage Analyzers


Our client had a large amount of generation unit data in silos. Unfortunately, there was not any integration in place to review the status of a generation unit over its lifetime. There were questions by the client about the life-cycle performances of some of the combined cycle units.


Our consultant proposed to the client an integration program to link a generation unit’s information from its online inception through the latest forecast outage. Our consultant had reviewed the client’s various data sources and determined that historical Generating Availability Data System (GADS) records in Meridium could be transferred monthly into a common data store. OSIsoft Pi Asset Framework 2.7 was selected as the data store to consolidate the information. An analysis dashboard containing trend lines and historical repair/outage texts was created as a prototype and presented to the client.


The analysis dashboard began to show trends of repeated issues on certain units and provided information to the client necessary to develop a cost savings program by reviewing maintenance schedules.

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