After many years in the industry, our founder and CEO, Scott Levin, began his consulting career in 1998. He recognized that clients seemed to have two less-than-ideal choices for their consulting needs – either the thousands of “body shop” staff augmentation firms, or the corporate behemoths and their exorbitant prices. He saw that these choices resulted in incomplete work for the client and enormous bills, usually accompanied by many diagrams.
Utilizing his extensive experience and relationships with the top 1% of energy industry consulting professionals, Scott solved that problem by founding MidDel in 2005.
Clients now have at their disposal some of the top talent in the country as well as the full support of a highly experienced executive team without paying for the corporate overhead of the large “legacy” firms. Started in a basement home office with bootstrap financing, MidDel now has offices and clients nationwide and is seen as a North American leader in Energy Industry consulting.
What does this mean for you?
Listen | Identify | Engage | Solve | Deliver
Our values define us as people, consultants, and as a company. We know that integrity matters, and you can count on us to do what we say we’re going to do. In fact, we believe in our values so much, we’re WILD about them!