Retail Power Systems Assessment


Our client, a retail electric provider, engaged MidDel Consulting to assess their current systems and processes landscape. MidDel was engaged to provide a recommended course of action to improve their systems capabilities, streamline current operations, and lay the foundation for future profitable growth. MidDel conducted top-down and bottom-up analyses by meeting with management and key stakeholders at the user level. This allowed MidDel to build a deep understanding of their current state and provide recommendations for their future state system landscape and business processes.


MidDel provided three proposed system landscape solutions to the client’s management team to improve current operations, as well as provide a platform for future growth. The proposals included an implementation approach that addressed project sequencing and estimated resource needs. MidDel also provided alternative recommendations to decrease delivery time and to address staffing concerns.

The solutions provided several key benefits:

  • Streamlined processing of customer enrollments and billing
  • Architecture platform to provide seamless, real time transfer of data among systems
  • Workflow management
  • Reporting tool enabling personnel to instantly access data required to perform job functions
  • Dashboard providing management with key business metrics to monitor business activities

The recommended solution provided scalable systems with minimal delivery risk. The architecture links data among multiple systems enabling users to more efficiently enroll new customers, process renewals, respond to customer inquiries, validate billing, monitor and report physical power positions, consolidate data for accounting entries, and produce daily management reports. The solution provides the client with the means to significantly increase productivity and reduce manual processing, while also providing ample bandwidth for scalability minimizing the need for additional staff.


The client was able to select from several system landscape solutions to determine the one that best fit their scope, budget, and time constraints, while providing scalable systems to support future growth in its target markets. The solutions provide several key benefits including streamlined reporting and access to real-time data, improved throughput for customer enrollments and a platform to quickly layer in new applications and further enhancements.

The recommended system approach would significantly streamline transaction processing and automate workflows. The estimated benefits to the organization are:

  • $250,000 reduction of bad debt expense
  • $300,000 FTE cost reduction
  • $250,000 reduction in customer credits
  • Double-digit growth into new markets





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